Concept of Education
Education is a continuous life process. It is a conscious, deliberate and purposive influence exerted by the society in the growing child to enable him to be culturally refined,emotionally stable, ethically sound, mentally and spiritually upright.
a. Education is a continuous life process.
b. It is a never ending process
c. Education is a conscious, deliberate and purposive influences exerted by the society in the growing child.
d. It helps in overall development of society and overall development of the child physical, mental and spiritually development.
e. Education is a dynamic concept. It's meaning has changed time to time.
P. C. Banerji said, " Education is the development of the power of adaption to an ever changing social environment. "
a. According to P. C. Banerji. " It is the development of the power of adoption to an over changing social environment.
b. In this education is a life process of growth and development.
c. In this learing is done through school, home, college, etc.
d. It is not confined to the limits of time, place or an individual.
e. It is preparation for life through his experience.
f. In this, it is not only about giving fact and details.
Education is a dynamic concept. It's meaning has changed from time to time. It is difficult to pin education in a definition.
Etymologically meaning of education :
a) Educare : To bring up or nourish a child mentally.
b) Educere: To draw out the best in child or to guide him.
c) Educatum: Act of teaching or training.
Thus, education may mean:
a. Act of teaching
b. Act of training
c. Act of bringing up
d. Act of raising
e. Act of bringing forth
f. Act of leading on
According to Indian concept :
" Education Is the which makes a man self - reliant and selfless ". - Rigveda.
According to Western concept
" Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body. "- Aristotle
" Education is the creation of natural, harmonious and progressive development of man's innate powers. "- Pestaloyyi
" Education makes life in harmony with all existence. " - Tagore
Concept of Education
It is classified into 2 groups.
Narrows concept of education
In narrow sense, education is confined to school and university. Education includes certain specific influences which are brought to bear upon the child with a definite purpose.
Broader concept of education
In broad sense, education means totality of experiences gained byn individual from birth to death. such education is not confined to limits of time, place or an individuals. Education is life long process of growth and development.
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