Abbreviation full form of international organization and Headquarters.

Abbreviation Full Form of International Organizations Headquarters

 UNO - United Nations Organisation
Headquarter :New York

 UNESCO - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
Headquarter :Paris

 UNICEF - United Nations children’s’ Fund 
Headquarter : New York

 IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency 
Headquarter :Vienna

 FAO -  Food and Agricultural Organisation 
Headquarter :Rome

 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 
Headquarter :Brussels, Belgium

 ASEAN - Association of South East Asian Nations
Headquarter :Jakarta, Indonesia

 WHO - World Health Organisation
Headquarter :Geneva

 WTO -  World Trade Organisation
Headquarter :Geneva

 IUCN -  International Union for Conservation of Nature Gland,
Headquarter : Switzerland

 ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
Headquarter :Los Angeles

 CN - Commonwealth of Nations
Headquarter :London

 APEC - Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Headquarter :Singapcfguru ffour=ccgffore

 WEF - World Economic Forum
Headquarter :Geneva

 OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Headquarter :Paris

 UNDP - United Nations Development Programe
Headquarter :New York

 IRC -  International Rescue Committee
Headquarter :New York

 ADB - Asian Development Bank
Headquarter :Manila, Philippines

CENTO - Central Treaty organisation
Headquarter :   Ankara (Turkey)

GATT - General Agreement on tariffs and  Trade
Headquarter :Geneva 

IBRD - International bank for reconstruction and development
Headquarter :   Washington 

ICAO - International civil Aviation organisation 
Headquarter :Montreal (Canada) 

ICJ - International court of Justice
Headquarter : Hague 

ICRC - International committee of the red cross
Headquarter :Geneva ( Switzerland) 

IFAD - International fund for agriculture development 
Headquarter : Rome

ILO - International labor organisation
Headquarter : Geneva 

IM - International Maritime organisation
Headquarter : London 

IMF - International Monetary fund
Headquarter : Washington 

IOC - International Olympic committee
Headquarter : Lusane 

ITU - International Telecommunication Union 
Headquarter : Geneva

OAPEC - Organisation of Arab petroleum Exporting counties 
Headquarter : Kuwait

SAARC - South Asian association for regional cooperation 
Headquarter : Kathmandu

UNAEC - United Nations Atomic Energy Commission 
Headquarter :New York 

UNCTAD - United Nations conference on trade and development 
Headquarter : Geneva

UNEP - United Nations environment Programme 
Headquarter : Nairobi (Kenya) 

UNFCCC - United Nations Frame convention on climate change 
Headquarter : Geneva 

UNHCR - United Nations high commissioner for Refugees
Headquarter : Geneva 

UNODC - United Nations offices on drugs and crimes 
Headquarter : Vienna 

WIPO - World intellectual property organization 
Headquarter : Geneva 

WTO - Union nations Tourism Organisation
Headquarter :  Madrid

WWF - World wildlife fund Gland
Headquarter : Switzerland

AIIB - Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Beijing
Headquarter : China 

BRICS - New development Bank Shanghai
Headquarter : China

ADB- Asian Development Bank
Headquarter :Manila Philippines 

WB - World Bank 
Headquarter :Washington DC,  US

UN - United Nations Organisation
Headquarter : New York, US

UNFPA - United Nations population fund
Headquarter :New York, US

WMO - World Meteorological Organisation
Headquarter :   Geneva Switzerland 

ASEAN - Association of south East Nations
Headquarter :   Jakarta,  Indonesia 

ICC - International Cricket council 
Headquarter :Dubai UAE

FIFA - The Federation Internationale de football Association Zurich 
Headquarter :Switzerland 


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