Attention and Interest

Attention and interest has played a vital role in learning.  Without it, it isn't possible to learn. Attention is a mental process. 
Attention is a motivational activity. 
Attention is a process of getting an object of thought clearly before the mind. 
According to Woolworth, "Attention is concentration of mind".
Attention is an activity or attitude of the mind as a whole Valentine. 
According to Rex and Knight, "attention act of consciousness. "
Attention can be defined as concentration or focusing of conscious upon one object or one idea. 
Characteristics of attention 
1. Selectivity 
Our attention isn't focused on all things at a time. It selects some objects and then focuses on it. 
2. Instability 
Attention is unstable and short - lived. It fluctuates from one object to another rapidly. 
3. Purposiveness
It is with some purpose that we concentrate on an object. Stronger the purpose, more intense the attention. 
4. Presence of effort 
Idea of making effort is present in attention.  Both physical and mental energy is consumed in this. 
5. Newness 
Attention is always attracted to new things. 
6. Readiness
Unless, the Mind is ready, itsnt possible to focus attention on anything. According to Woolworth this is an essential qualification of attention. 
7. Mental activity 
Attention implies all 3 aspects of mental activity ie cognitive (knowing), affective (feeling), conative (action). In attention, we have some interest.
8. Motor adjustments 
There are adjustments in our body postures automatically when we are attending to any object.

Types of attention 
1. Involuntary 
Is more or less passive. Usually guided by qualities of stimulus.
Example : If stimulus has striking qualities, then attention is strong. 
2. Voluntary 
Is focussed on things that in themselves don't have striking qualities. Is more or less an active process. It is characterised by presence of will, efforts and mental exertion. 
Attention :
1. Volitional
(a)  Implicit 
(I) Simple acts of will
(b) Explicit 
(I) Repeated acts of well

2. Non-volitional
(a) Enforced
(I)  Sustained by an instinct 
(b)  Sunstained by a sentiment 

1. Volitional attention 
Individual has to make efforts. Person has to exercise his interest and will power in order to focus attention. It is of two types :
a)  Implicit :  Individual has to make only ordinary efforts. 
b)  Explicit :  Individual has to make efforts many times. 
2. Non-volitional attention 
Another name for in voluntary attention.  Individual doesn't have to make efforts to focus attention. It is of two types :
a) Enforced : Due to striking qualities of stimulus, individual is forced to concentrate his attention to it. 
b)  Spontaneous : When we naturally concentrate on any objects, inspired by basic instincts. Occurs without effort and sustained by some sentiment. 
Factors /Conditions of attention 
Factors can be divided into objective and subjective 
1. Objective factor 
a)  Intensity 
Other conditions being equal a strong stimulus attracts our attention more than a weak one. 
Example : A teacher with loved voice can attract attention of students more than teachers with low voice. 
b)  Extensity/Size
A bigger object captures attention better than a smaller one. 
c)  Novelty 
New object easily attracts attention. 
d)  Change 
If some change takes place,our attention is focused. 
e)  Striking /Unusual quality 
An object with an unusual quality is likely to capture our attention 
f)  Movement 
Object in motion attracts our attention. 
g)  Repetition
If a stimulus is repeated it is likely to attract our attention with repetition, stimulus becomes strong enough to attract attention.
h)  Contrast 
Contrast is another means of attracting our attention. If a tall person is made to stand before a short statured person our attention is sure to be drawn towards tallness. 
I)  Suddenness 
Pudden and sensational things attract our attention more than the ordinary ones. 
J) Strangeness 
A hat with dhoti attracts our attention more than the ordinary ones. 
K)  Systematic and definite form 
An object with systematic form attracts more than an object with vague and indefinite form.
2. Subjective factors 
a)  Interest : 
Interest and attention go side by side.  It is the interest which inspires attention. 
b)  Instincts
The thing which appeals to our instincts attracts attention.
c)  Emotions
They are said to be "internal motivations" of attention 
d) Sentiments
Tasks which are connected with our sentiments attract our attention. 
e)  Habit 
Habit is also a great incentive in attention. 
f)  Temperament 
People of different temperaments attend different object.
g)  Education and training
Sometimes a learness comes to be interest in a certain class of objects because has a long time education and training in them. 
h)  Physiological conditional 
Fatigue and illness destroy attention and interest ie after a long hour of study does not attend to even the most interesting lesson. 
Importance of attention
1. Teaching and learning 
Attention is basic pre requisit of teaching and learning. Teaching and learning are possible only if teaches and students concentrate.
2. Aid to memory
Attention is valuable aid to memory.  Lesson studied with full attention remains in our memory permanently.  Lesson studied in a state of divided attention are likely to be forgotten.
3. Acquisition of skills 
It is through attention that a child can learn a skill. 
4. Aid to interest
5. Speed of learning
6. Success and achievement 


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