Note on Total Quality management (T. Q. M.), Basic of elements of T. Q. M. Advantages and disadvantages of T. Q. M.

Total Quality Management (T. Q. M.) :
A total approach to quality is the current thinking of today which is popularly called total quality management (T. Q. M.). The idea behind total quality management is to create a quality culture through 4th he organisation. 
                      The credit for pioneering the concept of total quality management should be bestowed upon W.  Edward Daming of Japan, who introduce this physiology in Japan over four decaded ago gradually the concept the attention of industrialist all over the world including India.
         Total Quality management can be defined as in the following ways. 
         Total quality Management is philosophy that believes in a company wide responsibilities towards quality via-fastering a quality culture through out the organisation of work of all employees with a view to belt meeting the requirements of customers. 
Elements of Total quality management :
1. Meeting customers requirement :
   Customers satisfaction is the key to the survival and growth of another organisation.  Total quality management aims of best satisfying the requirements of customers which never remain constant but keep changing with changes in environment and needs, preferences etc. of customers. 
2. Continuous improvement :
Total quality management is a total concept.  It involves the integration of all functions and processes within an organisation in order to achieve continuous improvement in the quality of products or services.  Moreover quality is a dynamic concept with advancement in technology, an organisation must set up new processes and re-design products to yield continuous improvement in quality to give the best advantage of technology to customers. 
3. Involvement of all employees :
Total quality management is called people's success. According to total quality management philosophy, quality is not the responsibility only of production personnel. Rather it is a company rise responsibility.  Total quality management can be  successful only when the total organisation is quality conscious. Hence the nomen-clature of this philosophy has Total quality management. 
                    Total quality management calls for improvement in the quality of work of all employees through popularising the concept of quality culture. In fact Total quality management should be the concern of all managers and workers in the organisation. 
Advantages of total quality management :
1. Sharpens competitive edge of the enterprise :
              Total quality management helps an organisation to reduce cost through eliminates of waste, remark, etc. It increases profitability and competitiveness of the enterprise and helps to sharpen the organisations competitive edge, in the globalised economy of today. 
2. Excellent customer satisfaction :
        By force sing an customers requirements Total quality management makes for excellent customer satisfaction. This leads to more and more self and excellent relation with customers. 
3. Improvement in organizational performance :
     Through promotive quality culture in the organisation Total quality management leads to improvement in managerial and operative personnel performance. 
4. Good public image of the enterprise :
        Total quality management helps to build an image of the enterprise in the minds of the people in society. This is due to stress on total quality system and customers requirements,  under the philosophy of Total quality management.
5. Better personnel relation :
       Total quality management aims at promoting mutual, trust and openness among employees, at all levels in the organisation. This lead to better personnel relative in the enterprise. 
Limitation /disadvantages of Total quality management:
1. Waiting for a long time:
     Total quality management requires significant changes in organisation, consisting of change in methods, processes etc of organisation change in attitude, behaviour etc. Of the people launching of Total quality management and acceptance of the philosophy of Total quality management requires a long wait for the organisation. It is not possible to accept and implement Total quality management over night. 
2. Problem of labour:
Management relations success of Total quality management depends upon the relationship between labour and management because participation of people at all levels in a pre requisite form. Total quality management programmes implementation.  In many organisation here and abroad labour management relation are quite tense.  As such launching acceptance and implementation of Total quality management program is nothing more than a dream for such organisation. 


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